Athena Wide Systems by MIT...

bho (
Mon, 30 Jan 1995 09:13:24 +0100

 Hi to all...
  It's since a long time that i've got a question about unix systems
  under Athena wide & kerberos systems by MIT .. 
  As you know every time that an user logs into the machine, the line
  with his data it's copied into the /etc/passwd file in the usual
  format or in shadow format.. and when the user logs out the line is
  deleted from the /etc/passwd ... my question is :
  where there are that datas??? Yes I know that there are located into
  the Athena's Server (or zephyr server I think), but in which directory
  I don't find it anywhere... I found a file called /usr/kerberos/principal.pag
  but it contains only kerberos' keys for every user.. not the lines to
  copy each time into the /etc/passwd file....
    Any answer in this full-disclosure list will be appreciated...
             Thanx in advance...... 
                             Davide Melchiorre